Conveyor Lifts - Vertical Continuous Lifts, Vertical Reciprocating Lifts

Conveyor Lifts are used in applications where product must be raised or lowered in a conveyor system with limited floor space. Continous Vertical Conveyors (CVC) offer the highest throughput rate in the smallest footprint of any automated device for raising or lowering product. Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors (VRC) are less costly and generally easier to maintain than CVCÕs, but operate at slower throughput speeds.

The core to Nerak Systems lifts is the unique steel cable reinforced rubber chain. The Nerak rubber chain provides long life, quiet operation, and low maintenance.

Contact us with your applications for Continuous Vertical Lifts, or Vertical Reciprocating Lifts. We would be happy to assist with selecting the appropriate solution.

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